Open Steam, open Properties for CS:GO, in general tab, click Set Launch Option. Step 2: Set Launch Option for CS:GO by doing the following: \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg Step 1: Create the file autoexec.cfg by doing the following:Ĭreate a text file (with Notepad), paste the command above to the text file, save the text file as the name autoexec.cfg, then move this file to the folder. I figure out how to automatically run the command when the game starts so it saves me from copying pasting the command above to console windows every time I play CS:GO. Currently I just save the command above to a text file and copy paste it to console window. Now it is seemingly random whether workshop mods will give you the updated files. But I don't know how to setup command menu in CS:GO. When a mod updated and it failed, you could delete the mod folder from the Steam mod folder and when restarting the game the updated mod would be applied. I want to make a command menu (you know, commandmenu.txt, open by pressing H key) to save me from using console window. To come up with the command, I read the following sources: Where workshop\149093917\dm_rust is my map, replace it with your map.

Step 2: Open console with ~ key and execute this command to start the map: game_mode 2 game_type 1 exec gamemode_deathmatch mp_match_end_restart 1 map workshop\149093917\dm_rust You can do that by doing the following steps: